Have you subjected your pet to a sterilization treatment? Are you thinking of doing it soon? Deciding whether or not to sterilize our pet can give us more than one doubt about it. We are torn between what we think as owners and the real benefits for him. The decision may not be easy, but we must have all the information to make a responsible assessment. At Riera Alta del Raval Veterinary Hospital in Barcelona, we tell you why it is important and beneficial to sterilize your pet.
The importance of sterilization
Whether you have a dog or a cat, you should know that sterilization is the best option for birth control and preventing unwanted animal births. Many sacrifices and abandonments would be avoided with this practice. In addition, in the specific case of your pet, when it reaches a mature age, its genitals can be a source of complications for its health and that includes social, psychological and affective problems. For this reason, you should value sterilization to avoid these disorders and guarantee their well-being.
Better behavior of your pet
There are several reasons to sterilize your dog or dog and one of them is to improve their behavior. Their territorial, dominance, and often aggressive behavior is closely related to the levels of sexual hormones. Surely you have seen how many dogs pull on the leash excessively, want to fight, get confused or run away following the scent of a female’s heat. Watch these reactions since their risks are obvious: many dogs get lost in these types of circumstances.
Avoid anxiety in your dog and cat
With spaying, your pet will not react to the hormones of heat, or will do so only minimally. On the other hand, eliminating your dog’s genitals will also reduce his anxiety since you should know that sexual hormones also play an important role in this aspect. If you have a cat, sterilization is also effective in correcting its behavior. You will prevent him from running away from home in search of females and you will help him not have the need to mark the territory. In addition, you will see that it will be even neater.
Reduces the chances of a tumor
Neutering is positive because it reduces the chances that your pet will develop a malignant genital tumor and, consequently, allows you to extend its life. By eliminating the reproductive system, the possibility of developing any disease of the same and others whose trigger are sexual hormones is eliminated at once. In males it prevents testicular cancer, cysts, brucellosis, prostate, anal… And in females, it helps prevent uterine infections and breast and womb cancers (cysts and ovarian and breast tumors). In addition, the risk of contracting vaginal infections and irritations in females is also resolved by eliminating heat, a relevant aspect for many owners.
A psychological pregnancy?
If you have noticed that your dog plays with dolls or other objects and adopts them as if they were babies, remember that she may be suffering from a psychological and hormonal disorder with which she will surely be suffering, due to heat and the fact of not getting pregnant. . Something similar happens with false pregnancies. Sterilization is useful to end all these unnecessary problems for your pet.
Monitor your pet’s overweight
Hormonal imbalances also have an impact on your dog or cat’s body weight. A sterilized companion animal experiences a drop in its metabolic rate and an increase in its appetite. Therefore, it is necessary that you ensure your pet an adequate diet, rich in fiber and more satiating, as well as an increase in physical activity to avoid being overweight.
Effective surgical technique
Current surgical techniques make sterilization an increasingly less invasive procedure. During the intervention, the animal remains monitored at all times and under supervision of its vital signs. In the case of females, the ovaries and the womb are removed, while in males the testicles are removed, that is, what we commonly call castration. Do not worry about his recovery, because it is much faster than you think and in a few days he will be able to lead a normal life and go for a walk as usual without problems. You should also know that aftercare is easy. You must pay attention to the disinfection of the operated area and administer antibiotics and anti-inflammatories for a few days.
Your pet will be the same after the intervention
Do not think that after intervening your pet will stop being the same. That she is neutered does not at all imply that she does not want to play or walk and run. It will simply be calmer at home. At Agriculture for Oral Health In Animals we remind you that sterilized animals are more predisposed to focus their attention on the family and are more docile because without the sexual instinct they become calmer and calmer.